This is my bedroom. It's big.

This is my side of the bedroom. The extent of the decorating is the 4 tiny pictures on the top of the walls. I didn't put them there. They're pictures of nature.

This is our "office" where mostly RaeLene likes to study. I have my stuff on one desk but I don't go in there much. It's kinda like the library. You only go when you absolutely have to get stuff done.

This is the view to the right from my balcony. If you look straight down the road on the right then you will run into the Pentagon. It is cream colored and looks pretty small from here. The two tiny-looking towers in the skyline is the National Cathedral. If the red buildings on the far right were gone you would see the Washington Monument and the Capitol.

This is my view to the left. It's basically just apartment buildings. The parking lot in the top-middle area is where Costco is.