Sunday, September 26, 2010
Apartment Tour
Last my roommates and I went to the Eastern Market on Saturday and had some good times there. I didn't take my camera and I haven't uploaded their pictures yet, so I decided to wait to post about that. This week we didn't do any touristy stuff, so I decided to post a tour of my apartment. It's pretty snazzy. We'll start with the elevators...since that's what I use to get to my 12th story apartment. They just removed the carpet and replaced it with some fancy tile so it's really pretty now. You can tell that the baseboard hasn't been fixed yet.
This is the view from the elevator. If you look straight down to the very end of the hallway you'll see our door.
Walk into the apartment, and this is what you first see--it's a family room-ish area, complete with an ironing board, piano, 2 couches, and a coffee table.
This dining room area is an extension of the family room. In addition to these two tables we also have a kitchen table. Nobody knows why we need so much seating for 3 lonely student teachers who don't have any visitors.
The kitchen can be accessed from the dining room or from the entry way to the apartment. Josh Anderson's wedding announcement can be seen on the fridge on the left. Dirty dishes from cooking dinner are a common site on the stove.